. */ # Known/outstanding issues: # [UNCONFIRMED ISSUE] Plugin seems to keep pinging when importing an XML/WXR file even if pinging is disabled # Plugin does not seem to report any errors if it cannot write to the log file (see E2 blog for example) function SUP_add_options_page(){ if(function_exists("add_options_page")) add_options_page("UP Smart Update Pinger", "UP Smart Update Pinger", 5, basename(__FILE__), "SUP_show_options_page"); } function SUP_show_options_page(){ global $logfile; $ping = get_option("SUP_ping"); $pinglog = get_option("SUP_pinglog"); $uris = get_option("ping_sites"); $forcedpings = false; $SUP_output_log=''; $pingservicesnow = "Ping Services Now!"; $deletelogfile = "Delete Log File"; if(isset($_POST["ping"]) && $_POST["ping"] == $pingservicesnow){ $forcedpings = true; SUP_log(SUP_ping_services($forcedpings).strftime("%D %T")."\tForced pinging services (Homepage)\n\t─────\n"); }elseif(isset($_POST["submit"])){ $uris = $_POST["uris"]; $ping = 0; if($_POST["ping"] == 1) $ping = 1; $pinglog = 0; if($_POST["pinglog"] == 1) $pinglog = 1; update_option("SUP_ping", $ping); update_option("SUP_pinglog", $pinglog); update_option("ping_sites", $uris); echo '

Options saved.

'; }elseif(isset($_POST["delete"]) && $_POST["delete"] == $deletelogfile){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "w"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, strftime("%D %T")."\tLog file deleted\n\t─────\n")){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } $checked1 = ''; if($ping == 1) $checked1 = 'checked="checked"'; $checked2 = ''; if($pinglog == 1) $checked2 = 'checked="checked"'; echo '

Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger

Click here for installation instructions

Click here for usage instructions

Click here for updated versions

Click here for comments and suggestions

URIs to Ping

The following services will automatically be pinged/notified when you publish normal or future timestamped posts. Not when you edit previously published posts, as WordPress does by default.

This plugin also fixes an issue with the default extended ping programming in Wordpress and pre-2.1 versions of Smart Update Pinger (it now includes the url of the new post).

NB: this list is synchronized with the original update services list.

Separate multiple service URIs with line breaks:

Ping log

These are the last 100 actions performed by the plugin. In reverse chronological order for easier reading (latest ping first).

'; SUP_get_last_log_entries(500); echo '

'; } # telling WordPress to ping if the post is new, but not if it's just been edited function SUP_ping_if_new($id){ global $wpdb, $post_title; $SUP_output_log="\t─────\n"; $SUP_ping_result=''; $forcedpings = false; if(get_option('SUP_ping') == 1 && trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ # fetches data directly from database; the function "get_post" is cached, and using it here will get the post as is was before the last save $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query( // "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title,guid FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); "SELECT post_date,post_modified,post_title FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE id=$id")); # if time when created equals time when modified it is a new post, otherwise the author has edited/modified it if(!$row["post_title"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (ERROR: YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN TO ENTER A POST TITLE) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ if($row["post_date"] == $row["post_modified"]){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New normal post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); }else{ // Post has been edited or it's a future post // If we have a post title it means that we are in the normal WP loop and therefore it was an edit (not a future post) if($post_title){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (Existing post was edited: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tPinging services (New timestamped post: “".$row["post_title"]."”) ...\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,get_permalink($id)).$SUP_output_log; # Try commenting the line above, and uncommenting this line below if pinging seems to be out of order. Please notify the author if it helps! # generic_ping(); } } } }else{ if (trim(get_option('ping_sites')) != ""){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: DISABLED BY ADMINISTRATOR)\n".$SUP_output_log; }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\tNOT Pinging services (WARNING: EMPTY PING SERVICES LIST)\n".$SUP_output_log; } } SUP_log($SUP_output_log); } # More or less a copy of WP's "generic_ping" from functions.php, but uses another function to send the actual XML-RPC messages. function SUP_ping_services($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = ''){ $SUP_output_log=''; #$services = get_settings('ping_sites'); #UP - 17.07.07 - get_option is newer/better then get_settings $services = get_option('ping_sites'); $services = preg_replace("|(\s)+|", '$1', $services); // Kill dupe lines $services = trim($services); if ( '' != $services ) { $services = explode("\n", $services); foreach ($services as $service) $SUP_output_log=SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid,$service).$SUP_output_log; } return $SUP_output_log; } # A slightly modified version of the WordPress built-in ping functionality ("weblog_ping" in functions.php). # Original version: #function weblog_ping($server = '', $path = '') { #global $wp_version; #include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); #// using a timeout of 3 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers #$client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); #$client->timeout = 3; #$client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; #// when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself #$client->debug = false; #$home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); #if ( !$client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url') ) ) // then try a normal ping #$client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home); #} # This one uses correct extendedPing format (WP does not), and logs response from service. function SUP_send_xmlrpc($forcedpings,$SUP_guid = '',$server = '', $path = ''){ global $wp_version; $SUP_output_log=''; include_once (ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-IXR.php'); // using a timeout of 5 seconds should be enough to cover slow servers (changed from 3 to 5) $client = new IXR_Client($server, ((!strlen(trim($path)) || ('/' == $path)) ? false : $path)); $client->timeout = 5; $client->useragent .= ' -- WordPress/'.$wp_version; // when set to true, this outputs debug messages by itself $client->debug = false; $home = trailingslashit( get_option('home') ); # The extendedPing format should be "blog name", "blog url", "check url" (the new URL), and "feed url". # Related Website(s) # http://www.weblogs.com/api.html # An example: # Someblog - Title # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog - Home URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/PersonalSpace.aspx?something - Check/New URL # http://spaces.msn.com/someblog/feed.rss - Feed # Changed the following line therefore: # if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_settings('blogname'), $home, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'), get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))) if ($forcedpings){ # If this is a forced ping it's better to use a regular ping for the homepage without an update URL (safer) if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ if($client->query('weblogUpdates.extendedPing', get_option('blogname'), $home, $SUP_guid, get_bloginfo('rss2_url'))){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Extended Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Updated : '".$SUP_guid."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► RSS URL : '".get_bloginfo('rss2_url')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ # pinging was unsuccessful, trying regular ping format if($client->query('weblogUpdates.ping', get_option('blogname'), $home)){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► [Regular Ping] ".$server." was successfully pinged\n".$SUP_output_log; if (get_option('SUP_pinglog') == 1){ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Blogname: '".get_option('blogname')."'\n".$SUP_output_log; $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t►► Homepage: '".$home."'\n".$SUP_output_log; } }else{ $SUP_output_log=strftime("%D %T")."\t► ".$server." could not be pinged. Error message: “".$client->error->message."”\n".$SUP_output_log; } } } return $SUP_output_log; } $post_title = ""; # Receives the title of the post from a filter below function SUP_post_title($title){ global $post_title; $post_title = $title; return $title; } # Log $logfile = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger/ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger.log'; function SUP_log($SUP_log_output){ global $logfile; $logerror = 0; $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, $SUP_log_output)){ update_option("SUP_error", 1); }else{ update_option("SUP_error", 0); } @fclose($fh); } function SUP_get_last_log_entries($num){ global $logfile; $lines = @file($logfile); if(get_option("SUP_error") == 1){ $fh = @fopen($logfile, "a"); if(false === @fwrite($fh, "")){ echo "Error writing log file (".$logfile."). Most likely your logfile (".$logfile.") is write-protected and no log data can be saved (change the rights of this file to 777), or alternatively this could mean that you have manually removed the log file, or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } @fclose($fh); }else{ if($lines === false){ echo "Error reading log file (".$logfile."). Most likely you have manually removed the log file, or alternatively this could mean that the logfile (".$logfile.") is read-protected (change the rights of this file to 777), or that you have changed the directory or file name of the plugin (they both should be 'ultimate-plugins-smart-update-pinger')"; }else{ // Original: $lines = array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num); // Modified to show in reverse order (easier for reading) $lines = array_reverse(array_slice($lines, count($lines) - $num)); $msg = ""; foreach($lines as $line){ $msg.=trim($line)."
"; } echo $msg; } } } # adds a filter to receive the title of the post before publishing add_filter("title_save_pre", "SUP_post_title"); # shows the options in the administration panel add_action("admin_menu", "SUP_add_options_page"); # calls SUP_ping whenever a post is published add_action("publish_post", "SUP_ping_if_new"); # calls SUP_ping_draft when changing the status from private/draft to published # add_action("private_to_published', 'SUP_ping_draft'); # removes the "WordPress official" pinging hook remove_action("publish_post", "generic_ping"); # activates pinging if setting doesn't exist in database yet (before the user has changed the settings the first time) if(get_option("SUP_ping") === false){update_option("SUP_ping", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_pinglog") === false){update_option("SUP_pinglog", 1);} if(get_option("SUP_error") === false){update_option("SUP_error", 0);} ?> {"id":341,"date":"2010-02-18T18:39:12","date_gmt":"2010-02-18T23:39:12","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/alegriaprofunda.wordpress.com\/?p=341"},"modified":"2015-08-15T23:27:48","modified_gmt":"2015-08-15T23:27:48","slug":"el-musculo-de-la-felicidad","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/el-musculo-de-la-felicidad\/","title":{"rendered":"El m\u00fasculo de la felicidad y los desaf\u00edos"},"content":{"rendered":"

Recuerdas lo que dije sobre el m\u00fasculo de la felicidad?
\n\u00bfC\u00f3mo est\u00e1 el tuyo?<\/p>\n

El hecho es que los m\u00faltiples desaf\u00edos de la vida
\nponen en prueba c\u00f3mo esta tu m\u00fasculo.<\/p>\n

Si est\u00e1 activado, fuerte y flexible entonces ning\u00fan
\ndesaf\u00edo te puede quitar tu felicidad. Si est\u00e1 r\u00edgido,
\nd\u00e9bil o atrofiado entonces cualquier desaf\u00edo te
\npuede bajonear.<\/p>\n

Normalmente tenemos que pasar por un tiempo
\nde restauraci\u00f3n de este \u201cm\u00fasculo\u201c hasta que podamos
\ndisfrutar plenamente de la vida con sus regalos
\ny desaf\u00edos.<\/p>\n

Es que todos los desaf\u00edos provocan sentimientos
\ndesafiados tales como frustraci\u00f3n, ira, tristeza y miedo
\ny normalmente estamos programados para verlos
\ncomo sentimientos negativos y por ende percibirlos
\ncomo desagradables.<\/p>\n

\u00bfTe das cuenta lo que eso hace con tu capacidad
\nde caminar por la vida?<\/p>\n

Imag\u00ednate que te hubieran programado desde la ni\u00f1ez
\nque sentir tus m\u00fasculos de las piernas es algo negativo.<\/p>\n

Si ahora tendr\u00edas que subir unas gradas dir\u00edas entre ti:
\n“Ay chuta \u00a1sentir mis m\u00fasculos de las piernas no est\u00e1 bien,
\nque sensaci\u00f3n tan negativa y desagradable! Mejor no subo.
\nAs\u00ed es como un desaf\u00edo perfectamente disfrutable
\nse vuelve una barrera insoportable.<\/p>\n

Por ejemplo la vida nos pide poner orden en alg\u00fan
\nasunto, pero ya que no sabemos c\u00f3mo integrar
\nlas iras que tenemos al respecto no ponemos los limites
\ndebidos o explotamos de una forma infruct\u00edfera.<\/p>\n

O la vida nos pide procesar una perdida pero ya que
\nno sabemos c\u00f3mo integrar la tristeza quedamos
\nsumergidos en una depresi\u00f3n prolongada.<\/p>\n

A ver: \u00bfpuedes pensar en alg\u00fan desaf\u00edo que te est\u00e1 bajoneando?
\nLa situaci\u00f3n econ\u00f3mica, la falta de comunicaci\u00f3n con tu esposo, etc.
\n\u201cte hace sentir mal\u201c?<\/p>\n

No cometas este error. Ning\u00fan desaf\u00edo tiene el poder de autom\u00e1ticamente bajonearte. Todos los desaf\u00edos estimulan el sentimiento desafiado correspondiente y si ese sentimiento se puede mover debidamente en ti, vas a poder sentirte bien ante el desaf\u00edo y vas a poder manejarlo fruct\u00edferamente.<\/p>\n

Entonces la pr\u00f3xima vez que un desaf\u00edo \u201cte ponga mal\u201c no digas
\n\u201cMe siento mal porque pas\u00f3 tal y tal cosa” Mejor admite ante ti:
\nMe siento mal porque mi m\u00fasculo de la felicidad est\u00e1 d\u00e9bil y
\ntodav\u00eda me falta ir al \u201cgimnasio\u201c para flexibilizar y fortalecerlo.<\/p>\n


Recuerdas lo que dije sobre el m\u00fasculo de la felicidad? \u00bfC\u00f3mo est\u00e1 el tuyo? El hecho es que los m\u00faltiples desaf\u00edos de la vida ponen en prueba c\u00f3mo esta tu m\u00fasculo. Si est\u00e1 activado, fuerte y flexible entonces ning\u00fan desaf\u00edo te puede quitar tu felicidad. Si est\u00e1 r\u00edgido, d\u00e9bil o atrofiado entonces cualquier desaf\u00edo te […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":167,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[39],"tags":[23,25],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/341"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/167"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=341"}],"version-history":[{"count":3,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/341\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":1436,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/341\/revisions\/1436"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=341"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=341"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.elcrecimientopersonal.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=341"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}